Discount coupon terms and conditions
Do you have a discount coupon for your first purchase?
If you have received a discount coupon, to use it, just write it in the "Do you have a discount code?" in the checkout and click on apply.
Did you receive a special discount coupon after your first purchase on our site?
If you have received a special discount coupon after your first purchase, you must comply with the conditions below otherwise we can cancel the new order.
If you have received a special discount coupon you can only use it in the case of a second or subsequent purchase.
So if you place an order and apply the return and use the special discount coupon received for a second purchase, you lose the discount applied using the special discount coupon. So we cancel the new order made with the special discount coupon or we do not authorize the return of the first order.
The special discount coupon is not valid during the SALES.
If you have received a special discount coupon, to use it, just write it in the DISCOUNT COUPON field in the checkout and click on apply.